Sonos CEO Issues an Apology

Nearly 3 months after launching their botched app update, Patrick Spence has finally issued an apology for what happened and shared a timeline for getting the remaining issues resolved.

Firstly, let me say that I know a lot of people have been negatively affected by the Sonos app update. If that’s you, I’m sorry and I understand your frustration. I would be furious if I dropped a bunch of money on something that I couldn’t get to work properly too.

Watch more on Youtube.

But as a new Sonos user, I’m loving my Sonos products so far and don’t really use the app. So far, my experience of using our Sonos Arc and Sub is either when watching TV or when interacting with Alexa for something like Amazon Music.

It works seamlessly and I have no complaints whatsoever.

But seeing all of the complaints from other Sonos users has caused me a little anxiety as to whether or not I made the right decision to buy in to the Sonos ecosystem in the first place.

In my mind, seeing the statement from the CEO and seeing the publicly-shared timeline to fix the remaining issues gives me confidence that they are trying to fix things and will try to do the right thing by their customers in the future.

For that, I’m grateful.

I also have to wonder why it’s taken the CEO so long to make a statement like this and to give clarity to the community about the timeline of future changes. I wonder if they’ve seen a decline in sales and this is a desperate attempt to arrest that decline.

I don’t know, I’m just speculating here, but it is something I’m curious about.

Sonos app fix timeline
The timeline for app fixes

Are you a Sonos user? Have you been impacted by the app update?

Let me know what you make of all this.

If you’re in the market for some Sonos products, this is what I have in my home:

Sonos Arc Soundbar (affiliate link)

Sonos Sub Gen 3 (affiliate link)

Source link

Nearly 3 months after launching their botched app update, Patrick Spence has finally issued an apology for what happened and shared a timeline for getting the remaining issues resolved.

Firstly, let me say that I know a lot of people have been negatively affected by the Sonos app update. If that’s you, I’m sorry and I understand your frustration. I would be furious if I dropped a bunch of money on something that I couldn’t get to work properly too.

Watch more on Youtube.

But as a new Sonos user, I’m loving my Sonos products so far and don’t really use the app. So far, my experience of using our Sonos Arc and Sub is either when watching TV or when interacting with Alexa for something like Amazon Music.

It works seamlessly and I have no complaints whatsoever.

But seeing all of the complaints from other Sonos users has caused me a little anxiety as to whether or not I made the right decision to buy in to the Sonos ecosystem in the first place.

In my mind, seeing the statement from the CEO and seeing the publicly-shared timeline to fix the remaining issues gives me confidence that they are trying to fix things and will try to do the right thing by their customers in the future.

For that, I’m grateful.

I also have to wonder why it’s taken the CEO so long to make a statement like this and to give clarity to the community about the timeline of future changes. I wonder if they’ve seen a decline in sales and this is a desperate attempt to arrest that decline.

I don’t know, I’m just speculating here, but it is something I’m curious about.

Sonos app fix timeline
The timeline for app fixes

Are you a Sonos user? Have you been impacted by the app update?

Let me know what you make of all this.

If you’re in the market for some Sonos products, this is what I have in my home:

Sonos Arc Soundbar (affiliate link)

Sonos Sub Gen 3 (affiliate link)

Source link

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